The BMA is delighted to bring you a special commemorative edition of The Flag newsletter which marks the 25th anniversary year of The BMA and brings you the latest news and updates from The Registry.
Not only has the newsletter been updated to reflect the vibrant new look following the registry’s recent rebrand but we are also introducing a dynamic new online version designed to provide fascinating insights into one of the world’s top Flags in an easily accessible and user-friendly format.
In our first online special edition you will find messages recognising this significant milestone from The Prime Minister, Most Hon Dr Hubert Minnis, Minister, Senator Hon Dion Foulkes, BMA Chair, Ambassador J. Denise Lewis-Johnson, Deputy Chair, Peter John Goulandris and John Adams, Chairman of The Bahamas Shipowners Association. BMA Managing Director and CEO, Captain Dwain Hutchinson also outlines his vision for the future in a post COVID-19 world.
To celebrate our 25th Anniversary, we recall the registry’s history – a look at the timeline of activities undertaken by The BMA will demonstrate how it has grown in size and influence.
We continue to play a leading role in the wellbeing of our industry through our membership of maritime bodies including the IMO and our involvement in projects such as Eyesea. The Flag Online gives you the opportunity to find out more about our activities on behalf of the maritime sector.
In this edition we interview Carolyn Moree, Head of The Registration Department, who explains exactly what is involved when we register a new ship. This is the first in a series of in-depth articles looking into the workings of the various BMA Departments.
The Flag is an opportunity to introduce our recently appointed team members, demonstrating our continued commitment to diversity and growth, and welcome some of our newly registered vessels.
We hope you enjoy reading this first edition of The Flag Online and we welcome your feedback.
Charlotte Ward