It was with great pride that we looked back on the first Bahamas Maritime Week since COVID-19 postponed the proposed 2020 event.
The week was packed with activities including: a courtesy call with the Prime Minister, the Rt Honorable Philip Davis; a panel discussion on preparing the next generation for a sustainable career in shipping; a week long exhibition to showcase the work of the Bahamas Maritime Cadet Corps (BMCC) with success stories from former cadets; and a cocktail reception on World Maritime Day where the former Minister for Transport, Glenys Hanna Martin, was honoured for her maritime contribution including the establishment of the BMCC.
We were honoured to have The Minister of Transport and Housing, Jobeth Coleby-Davis, join The BMA Board of Directors and senior BMA executives for the call with the Prime Minister. The strength of our industry collaboration was equally evidenced as executives from the Bahamas Shipowners Association Board of Directors, who represent all the owners flagged with The Bahamas, participated in this important meeting. This was an excellent opportunity for us to engage with the government at the highest level and led to very productive discussions on a number of important and strategic maritime matters.
We were particularly pleased with the contribution of shipowners who actively participated in the week’s activities and even allowed visits on their ships. We were also grateful for the support of local stakeholders in Nassau and Freeport at the many events.
The entire week recognised that the success of shipping’s future rests on the shoulders of the next generation of mariners so the BMCC and LJM Maritime Academy (LJMMA) featured heavily in events, demonstrating to the young people of The Bahamas that maritime is a wide ranging and stimulating career option.
The week’s events were focused on the human element of maritime sustainability with recognition of World Maritime Day, whose theme was ‘New technologies for greener shipping’.
Throughout the week we were delighted to appear on a number of national radio and TV broadcasts where we were able to promote this exceptional and exciting industry that we all work in – Maritime.
We would like to express our appreciation and gratitude to everyone who participated in, attended or engaged in the Maritime Week activities. We hope you will all be back next time.