Earlier this year The Bahamas continued its long-held tradition of making its annual member state assessment payment to the International Maritime Organisation in full and well in advance of the payment deadline.
The contribution for 2023 was presented to IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim by The Bahamas Minister of Transport and Housing, JoBeth Coleby-Davis MP, and The Bahamas’ newly-appointed Ambassador to the IMO, Paul Rolle, who attended the IMO with The BMA Board’s Deputy Chairman, Peter John Goulandris, and BMA Managing Director and CEO, Capt Dwain Hutchinson.
As one of the world’s leading Ship Registers, The Bahamas’ annual assessed contribution represents just under 4% of the IMO’s overall 2023 budget at 3.58%, making The Bahamas one of the largest financial contributors to the organisation.
The Bahamas is a long-standing Council member of the IMO and has a history of taking a leading role in areas relating to safety, security, environment and human element within the IMO committees, sub-committees, working and correspondence groups. It also actively participates at meetings of the International Labour Organisation ( ILO), International Mobile Satellite Organisation (IMSO), International Oil Pollution Compensation (IOPC) Funds and regionally within the Caribbean Port State Control Committee.
Capt Hutchinson said: “We are particularly pleased this year to have our Minister and IMO Ambassador with us for the presentation of our member state assessment contribution to the IMO. As a Small Island Developing State Council member which nonetheless has one of the world’s largest ship registries, we are committed to upholding the IMO’s stance on the UN sustainable development goals and, as such, we are proud to be among the first IMO Member States every year to pay their contribution in full.”