Dimitri Tsiftsis
Regional Director
The BMA was pleased to hold a seminar on 13th July 2023 in Athens, Greece, with the objective of updating its Greek stakeholders on regulatory and general technical matters. The event was attended by over 150 representatives from the Greek maritime community including shipowners, ship managers, class societies, media, BMA Inspectors and other industry stakeholders.
Recognising the importance and invaluable benefit of industry engagement, collaboration remains a key strategic objective of The BMA and, on this occasion, we were pleased to have The BMA Board of Director’s Deputy Chairman, Mr. Peter J. Goulandris, in attendance and contributing to the event. The BMA’s highly capable Greek team was supported by BMA Deputy Directors Capt. Ghulam Hussain and Mr Stephen Keenan who provided informative presentations entitled ‘IMO Environment Regulatory Update‘ and ‘General Port State Control Overview‘ respectively. In recognising the importance of protecting the marine environment and the need to balance continued shipboard operations, the outcome of the IMO consideration on Greenhouse Gases (GHG) was a key area of focus by the participants.
In commenting on the delivery of a successful event, BMA Regional Director Dimitri Tsiftsis reinforced the commitment of The BMA to provide a quality registration service to Greek owned and managed Bahamas flagged ships, and expressed his appreciation to the attendees for their continued trust in The Bahamas.