Many congratulations to The BMA’s Isabella Jones who has just been voted as one of All About Shipping’s Top 100 Women in Shipping. This is a recognition by her peers of the work that Isabella undertakes both at The BMA and also for the wider shipping community.
Isabella is a key member of the Seafarers & Manning Department where she has been actively providing guidance and ensuring compliance with the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 requirements. The importance of seafarers remains at the forefront of the global response and recovery to COVID-19 as well as the broader long-term economic sustainability and it is in this area that Isabella’s commitment, professionalism and dedication has enabled the resolution of MLC 2006 matters. As a part of her role, Isabella has represented the Bahamas at the International Maritime Organisation Legal Committee and is engaged in the BMA’s collaboration with the Bahamas Ministry of Labour at the International Labour Organisation.
In addition to her work at The BMA, Isabella is an active member of the Women’s International Shipping and Trade Association (WISTA). Outside of the maritime industry, she is a trustee of the Commonwealth Girls Education Fund (which sponsors girls of ability through secondary school where, without financial assistance, they would be unable or unlikely to continue their education) and also Chairman of the Community & Vocation Committee, Rotary Club of London, District 1130.