Vessel Name: Petrel Arrow
Petrel Arrow rescued a lone female rowing solo from Tenerife to Barbados. She had lost electrical power to AIS, Navigation systems, and charging points on her boat and the weather was deteriorating.

Vessel Name: Sonangol Cazenga
Sonangol Cazenga rescued three sailors from a yacht whose storm sails had been damaged and boom had broken.

Vessel Name: Marnier of the Seas
Marnier of the Seas observed someone swimming on the ship’s starboard side. The 25-year-old male was suffering severe dehydration and had signs of hypothermia. A second person was located and also rescued.

Vessel Name: Norwegian Breakaway
Norwegian Breakaway spotted people waving apparently from a raft. 31 people were rescued/brought onboard (five of them females, one of them pregnant).

Vessel Name: London Voyager
London Voyager saw a capsized small craft with four people sitting on the hull, waving for assistance and clearly in distress. The ship rendered assistance by giving water and food.

Vessel Name: Scarlet Lady
Scarlet Lady came across a floating life raft with nine people who were looking for help, signaling with hands and flags. Nine people were recovered from the improvised raft and given medical treatment.

Vessel Name: Apollon
Apollon spotted a life raft with one person requesting assistance. The crew managed to secure the life raft alongside and later to embark the seafarer safely.