Nick Dowden
Assistant Director and Marine Investigator
At the beginning of 2023, The BMA was pleased to announce the launch of its comprehensive online reporting portal for use by managers and owners.
The online reporting portal was the first of its type to be employed in the maritime sector and has been developed to simplify the process for clients. Acting as a one-stop shop, the tool replaces the nine forms that might previously have been used to report anything from a serious marine casualty to a birth at sea, what’s more, the portal meets all the reporting requirements of the Merchant Shipping Act and other national and international requirements.
The main benefit of the new system is improved efficiency with all relevant information being captured at the same time, reducing duplication of effort completing multiple forms. Equally important – the collected data can be more effectively analysed for trends within The Bahamas fleet.
Nick Dowden, Assistant Director and Marine Investigator in The BMA’s Investigations Department, explained how clients will benefit from the new system: “In the past it could be quite a laborious exercise to report an incident, perhaps requiring the completion of three or four different forms. By digitalising the process the system itself handles any duplications of information needed and also leads the user through the stages of reporting – asking only for relevant details and flagging any supporting material that is needed.
“In terms of data collection and analysis, it will make it much easier for us to identify trends across our fleet so that clients can benefit from each other’s experiences. This will be particularly helpful to managers and owners who have only one or two vessels operating and so wouldn’t have the benefit of seeing the wider trends in the industry.”
The new portal has been specifically designed to work even in the event of the ship’s connectivity being lost. Any report that is submitted whilst offline – even if that loss occurs midway through the reporting process – will be stored in the client’s computer cache and will synchronise with The BMA server once the connection to the internet is restored.
The new reporting tool is just one of a number of initiatives that The BMA has been introducing recently to enhance its online services and digital offering to its customers.