The IMO has always highlighted the issues that are really crucial to the future of maritime and this year’s World Maritime Day theme of ‘new technologies for greener shipping’ was no exception. This theme aligned closely with The BMA’s own principles – we are moving towards a reduction of paper through the use of technology and we are active ambassadors for Eyesea and NAMEPA – organisations working to protect the world’s oceans which is in line with UN sustainability Goal 13 – Climate action and Goal 14 – life below water. We all need to safeguard our fragile environment and the use of innovative technology will help us to achieve that.
Part of the day’s proceedings for The BMA team was attendance at the World Maritime Day reception hosted at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) where Capt. Ghulam Hussain and Christos Chrysovitsanos offered greetings from The Bahamas to the Secretary General, Kitack Lim.
During his speech, Mr Lim took the opportunity to explain how the IMO is guiding maritime to face the triple challenges of climate change, marine litter and the preservation of biodiversity while helping to implement the United Nations 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.
The BMA is a strong advocate of the IMO’s commitment to greener shipping and the team was pleased to hear how shipping can achieve that.
Shipping remains a vital industry to the global economy and we were pleased to join the worldwide community in celebrating World Maritime Day.